Everyday Rockstar, Moving with Kids, Damsel in Defense, Animal Thoughts, Why Protest, Summer Camp Cautions, Long Distance Relationships

Everyday Rockstar, Moving with Kids, Damsel in Defense, Animal Thoughts, Why Protest, Summer Camp Cautions, Long Distance Relationships

The Lisa Show

  • Jun 10, 2020 12:00 pm
  • 1:45:31 mins
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Everyday Rockstar (0:00:00) Richie talks with this week’s featured Everyday Rockstar. You can send your Everyday Rockstar nominations to thelisashow@byu.edu. Moving with Kids (0:05:52) Moving. It’s almost a swear word in my family. Moving with kids can be a nightmare, or a fun adventure. But what is it that draws that dividing line between a month of meltdowns and a fresh new start? Here with us on the show today is clinical psychologist, parenting expert, and founder of Aha Parenting, Dr. Laura Markham. Damsel in Defense (0:22:52) On The Lisa Show, we like to give you the tools you need to live your best life. But today, we want give you the knowledge you need to live a safe life. Safety first, right? According to the US Bureau of Justice, just over 650 thousand women were victims to rape or sexual assault in 2018. That’s 300 thousand more women than the year before. Every time a woman walks down a street alone in the dark her mind races with all the worst possible case scenarios. We want to help you get rid of that fear and replace it with confidence. Here to teach us more about the tools and knowledge we need to be prepared for potential life-threatening situations is Caryn Stastny. She’s the Director of Marketing Communications for Damsel in Defense, a company whose goal is to help women protect themselves in dangerous situations. Animal Thoughts (0:38:15) Have you ever looked at your dog and wondered what they’re thinking about you? We know our pets have emotions. Every day we see their joy when we come home or their guilt when they’ve done something naughty. But is it possible that animals think the same way we do like in movies like Homeward Bound or Bambi? There’s obviously something going on in the minds of dogs, birds, elephants and all other animals, but how complex are their thoughts? To help us understand we’ve invited Dr. Carl Safina onto the show. He’s an Endowed Professor for Nature and Humanity at Stony Brook University. Why Protest (0:52:45) If you’ve been paying attention to the news recently, you’ll have noticed protests have been erupting across the nation in response to the murder of George Floyd. All 50 states have now witnessed widespread demonstrations within their own borders in support of the Black Lives Matter Movement and condemning police brutality. The right to peaceably assemble is held dear by all Americans. And protesting has been used throughout history to enact change in society and government. We wanted to find out more about what constitutes as a protest and what protesters should do when the march is over for real change to happen. Joining our conversation is protest and social movement expert, Pamela Oliver. Summer Camp Cautions (1:11:42) Summer camp. Every year you look forward to it, and so does your child. But summer camps look a little different this year. A lot of them have been cancelled, but some of them might be proceeding even with the COVID-19 restrictions. Naturally, if your child’s summer camp is still a-go, you’re probably concerned that they’ll catch the virus. So, what do you do? Do you send them? Clint Salter is a dance industry expert who is helping studio owners get back to business in the safest way possible. He has some advice for parents about summer camps, and we wanted to hear it, so we’ve invited him on the show. Long Distance Relationships (1:26:01) For many people, the thought of living far from their partner is too much to handle. And this makes sense, right? Not only does physical distance prove difficult, but we are afraid of the possible emotional distance that comes with it. We also see movies, read books, and hear stories from friends of the challenges of living apart. With all this said, living long-distance is sometimes necessary, and we need the attitude and tools to make it work. For this purpose, we invited Liz Colizza, a relationship therapist and co-developer of the relationship counseling app Lasting, on the show to share with us how we can make long-distance relationships work.